Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Silence of the Vaginas

Michigan republicans have silenced two state house representatives, Reps, Lisa Brown and Barb Byrum. Why? They referenced their own anatomy when debating a draconian, regressive abortion bill. In silencing these two State Representatives, they have also silenced the tens of thousands they represent. It's been said the two women were argumentative, obscene, emotional, even hysterical. Michigan male representatives however are steadfast, unwavering, staunch and patriotic. Fervent patriotism does things to some people. Take Newt Gingrich for example. He was so filled with the patriotic intoxicant, he found it difficult to keep his sta-puft balls in his pants. Contrary to their perceived motivation and state of mind, Representatives Brown and Byrum were merely engaged in a debate, a debate whose particulars their fellow male counterparts found uncomfortable. We know that ladies and lady parts can be daunting and even intimidating on occasion, but this is no excuse to cut them out of the conversation, particularly when your experience with them is from the other side of the aisle at times. That is precisely why we must in those awkward times, embrace the vagina and their carriers. We vagina conveyance individuals often have much more intricate insights surrounding their use, misuse and sensibilities as we see them from a completely different perspective. 

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